Thursday, September 27, 2007


Arabic Series/MOUSSALSSALAT playing during the month of Ramadan are all the Buzz in the Middle East right now… the best productions are always lined up during ramadan ... so by popular request here are two articles about the series playing this year.

In English:

In Arabic - for those who want to put to the test the reading Arabic skills they acquired from McGill - ;) - (different article)

You can catch some episodes on this site:

Some may wonder what this has to do with law: Well one is a historic epic and very relevant to the current governance regime in Egypt, another is about rape in Egypt and many references are made to the judicial system in Egypt, nepotism, social differences in the arab world and how different social groups approach the legal system, the efficacy and fairness of the rules governing the process of bringing the perpetuators to justice. Bab-al-Harra is reflective of the overlapping law enforcement structures in the Fertile Crescent at the outset of the nation-state in the Middle East. Any legal aspects you’ve noticed? I think many interesting legal discussions can spring out of those series… otherwise random series gossip will do in this threat … feel free to mix both ;)


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