Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Panel with Mr. Mark Arnold, Canadian Lawyer for the Palestinian Village of Bil'in


Panel with Mr. Mark Arnold, Canadian Lawyer for the Palestinian Village of Bil'in
MONTREAL Friday, Sept. 26, 2008, 7:30PM McGill University, New Chancellor Day Hall 
Room 100, 3644 Peel St., Montréal, Quebec

The Arab Law Student's Association of McGill (ALSA McGill) is hosting a Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) organization event this upcoming Friday the 26th of September, at 7:30pm in New Chancellor Day Hall 
Room 100, 3644 Peel St., Montréal, Quebec.

In July, 2008, the Palestinian Village of Bil'in launched a lawsuit in Quebec Superior Court against two Montreal companies: Green Mount International Inc. and Green Park International Inc. The two companies are accused of building condominiums on Palestinian land under Israeli military occupation: actions that are strictly illegal under international, Canadian and Quebec law. This unprecedented case will go before the Court later this Fall.

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion with the Canadian lawyer for Bil'in Village, Mr. Mark Arnold, and other distinguished panellists as we explore the case and its implications for Canada, Israel and the Palestinians. Attendees at each event will be given the opportunity to donate to the legal fund of Bil'in Village, should they so choose.

An admission of $5 will be charged by CJPME to cover the costs of hosting the event series.


Mr. Mark Arnold. A veteran Toronto-based lawyer representing Bil'in in its
lawsuit, Mr. Arnold has brought other important cases testing international
law before the Canadian courts

Mr. Michael Lynk. A professor of law at the University of Western Ontario in
London, Mr. Lynk has published on issues of international law in the Middle
East, as well as human rights and labour law.

Mr. Steve Hibbard. A 20-year veteran of Canada's department of Foreign
Affairs, Mr. Hibbard served extensively in the Middle East during postings in
Cairo, Tel Aviv, and Ramallah.

Mr. Adam Hanieh. A doctoral candidate in political science at York University
focusing on the political economy of the Middle East, Mr. Hanieh also served
for several years as a researcher for Defence for Children International -
Palestine Section. Mr. Hanieh is also a researcher and activist with CAIA.

Mr. Thomas Woodley. President of CJPME with a background in public affairs
and policy analysis, Mr. Woodley has helped develop much of CJPME's policy
material on the Middle East over the past several years.

Ms. Shourideh Molavi. A law student at Osgoode Hall Law School, with a
background in political science and international relations, Ms. Molavi has
worked closely with Israeli and Palestinian NGOs like the ICAHD and Mada al-
Carmel who have been actively supporting the Bil'in Village cause.

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